Effectiveness and acceptability of a home-based exercise intervention in the elderly


  • Fani Tasou Democritus University of Thrace
  • Archontissa Kanavaki Democritus University of Thrace https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2630-1437
  • Evangelos Albanidis Democritus University of Thrace
  • Filippos Filippou Democritus University of Thrace
  • Maria Michalopoulou Democritus University of Thrace


older adults, home-based exercise, lower limbs, balance, quality of life


The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of an unsupervised home-based exercise and motivational intervention for older people living in a geographically remote area. Specifically, we investigated whether the intervention in this study led to improvements in lower limb function, balance and quality of life. Eighteen women participated in the study, with a mean age of 76.17 (SD=8.67) years. The participants' performance on the TUG test before the intervention was equal to 18.33 (SD=7.69) and after the intervention was 16.32 (SD=8.65), an improvement not statistically significant. Performance on the BBS test was equal to 44.28 (SD=9.74) before and 47.44 (SD=7.99) after the intervention. The t-test for dependent samples showed that this improvement was statistically significant (t(17)=-4.64, p<.001). The t-test for dependent samples showed that the intervention program had no significant effect on the physical dimension of quality of life (t(17)=-0.917, p=0.372), the psychological dimension of quality of life (t(17)=-0.641, p=0.530), the social dimension of quality of life (t(17)=-0. 900, p=0.381) and on the environmental dimension of quality of life (t(17)=-0.102, p=0.920). 55.55% followed the program fully or with 1-3 weeks of abstinence/daytime, while 44.44% reported abstinence/daytime follow-up for 4 or more weeks. Interviews conducted at the end of the study found that 100% of the participants reported that they were satisfied with the home exercise program in this study This study showed that even a short intervention with low-intensity, simple equipment, at home exercises can bring about an improvement in balance in people over 65 years of age and can be acceptable and enjoyable. An important role for commitment to exercise was played by motivation from qualified staff, specifically a physical education teacher. This study may provide an example for investigating the effectiveness and implementation on a larger scale of short exercise programs in other geographical areas.


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How to Cite

Τάσου Φ., Καναβάκη Α., Αλμπανίδης Ε., Φιλίππου Φ., & Μιχαλοπούλου Μ. (2024). Effectiveness and acceptability of a home-based exercise intervention in the elderly. Exercise and Society, 3, 80–97. Retrieved from



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