The purpose of this study is the evaluation of the diagnostic accuracy of ultra sonography in detecting Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER) in children. 52 infants and children 5 days to 10 years old were controlled. The results were compared with these of barium meal (Β.Μ.). Complete agreement of both methods was found in 42 patients. 5 children showed in ultrasonography GER while in 3 of them Β.Μ. was negative and 2 showed low-grade GER. 2 children had minimal ultrasonographic findings and positive Β.Μ. examination. Finally the ultrasonographic findings of 3 children were obscure, while Β.Μ. showed in 2 GER and 1 negative. We believe that ultrasonography is a reliable method for detection GER (as well as Β.Μ.).
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Β. Κ. Κατσαρός, Μ. Τσαγκατάκης, Μ. Καλογέρης, Α. Θανή, Θ. Πατσούρας. Συγκριτική μελέτη του βαριούχου γεύματος και της υπερηχογραφίας στη διάγνωση της γαστροοισοφαγικής παλινδρόμησης στα παιδιά. Ελληνική Ακτινολογία, Τόμος 27, αριθ. 3:271.