We investigated whether fluctuations of plasma viscosity values correlate with the course of the acute viral hepatitis during the icteric stage. We studied 91 cases of acute viral hepatitis, divided intο two distinct groups. The first group, comprised 53 moderately severe cases with an uneventful course [exacerbation followed by clinical and laboratory (ALT, bilirubin) improvement]. The second group comprised 38 cases with protracted illness, and fluctuations of clinical and laboratory findings . Measurements were carried out weekly with a semiautomatic viscomiter. Viscosity values in the first group showed an increase, followed by decrease or decreased steadily from the begining. In the second group, fluctuation(s) were observed before tbe final normalization. In both groups the plasma viscosity fluctuations values reflected the laboratory and clinical findings. In conclusion, the fluctuations of viscosity values, depenting mainly from the values of acute phase proteins (fibrinogen, globulins), follow closely the course of the acute viral hepatitis expressing the synthetic ability of the liver. Factors such as the quantity immune response and perhaps cholestasis influence plasma viscosity values.References
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