


C-reactive protein, Acute Intestinal Infection,


Serum C-reactive protein (CRP) fluctuations in patients with acute intestinal infection has been not studied adequately. Using a nephelometric method, we measured the CRP levels in the serum of 35 patients with acute intestinal infection in the first, third, seventh and fourteenth day after the infection. CRP has also measured in 30 age matched healthy controls. The median value of serum CRP was in patients with intestinal infection 8,72 in the first, 9,62 in the third, 8,93 in the seventh, 6,7 mg/L in fourteenth day and in controls 5,62 mg/L. These values were significantly higher than those of the controls (p<0,05). The serum CRP levels were significantly superior in patients with leukocytes and red blood cells in stools, that those without stool leukocytes.


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