


In this study we attempted to detect the presence of rubella antibodies in the population of Thrace. We have examined 346 sera from Thracian child bearing women, (group Α) and 71 sera from medical students, 30 males and 41 females of the, Medical School of Democritus University of Thrace, (group Β). The methods implemented for the detection of lgG and lgM antibodies were ELISA and ΜΕΙΑ (Micropartivle Enzyme Immunoassay). lgG antibodies were found in a percentage of 93.4% in group Α and 90.1% in group Β. lgM antibodies were found only in two sera of group Α. Thus the immunity rate against rubella virus in Thrace is considered to be high and consequently there is no need for a massive vaccination. Nevertheless, despite of our findings, a serologic testing should be performed on all women of reproductive age in order to detect the susceptible ones.


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