Greek Professional Football and fan violence: Uncontrolled hooligans or ineffective policies?


  • Diamantis Mastrogiannakis Hellenic Open University
  • Vaggelis Tzoukas Hellenic Open University


football related violence, counter hooligan policies, inefficiency


The public debate on the causes of violent incidents in the context of professional football matches in Greece is focused, limited and almost exclusively attributes the conflicts to the action of fans. If the existence of formal and informal fan groups acting out of control both on match days and outside the sporting context is undisputed, the assumption that the remarkable resilience of fan violence is due to them is largely misleading. Essentially, it hides a series of actions and/or inactions of the bodies involved in drawing up and implementing the policies to deal with the phenomenon.


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How to Cite

Μαστρογιαννάκης Δ., & Τζούκας Β. (2023). Greek Professional Football and fan violence: Uncontrolled hooligans or ineffective policies?. Exercise and Society, 2, 83–90. Retrieved from

