Teachers’ views on effective teaching of movement/Physical Education and its implementation to preschool and primary school children


  • Elli-Maria Garzoni Democritus University of Thrace
  • Vasiliki Derri Democritus University of Thrace
  • Filippos Filippou Democritus University of Thrace
  • Nikolaos Digelidis University of Thessaly


effective teaching, Physical Education, teacher’s views, self-evaluation, primary education


Modern theoretical directions in regards to movement activities in early years and Physical Education in primary school environments (see Curricula, IEP 2021, 2022) are continuously striving to meet current educational demands. Their implementation is dependent upon the prevalent views of the individual teachers, which ultimately shape their current practices. The purpose of this study was to explore educators' views on effective teaching of physical education or movement, in relation to their practices. Eight (n=8) educators participated in total; four kindergarten teachers and four physical education teachers in primary school, all working in the public sector in the Attica region. Qualitative research was conducted through semi-structured interviews, design-based on previous studies that examined the parameters of effective teaching of movement. The qualitative findings were quantified for further analysis. The results aligned predominantly with the theoretical framework, concerning the teaching of movement. In other words, the practices of educators as expressed by their opinions, coincide with modern pedagogical methods. The content concerning movement corresponds with the guidelines of the curriculum, and educators of both occupations strive to operate based on the principle of inclusion and self-evaluation of their work. In conclusion, both professions share common views and practices concerning the design, implementation and evaluation of lessons related to movement and aim to operate in a way that maximizes the use of the space and materials available. However, issues that require attention were also highlighted through the collected opinions and may serve as a basis for further research.


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How to Cite

Γαρζώνη Έ.-Μ., Δέρρη Β., Φιλίππου Φ., & Διγγελίδης Ν. (2023). Teachers’ views on effective teaching of movement/Physical Education and its implementation to preschool and primary school children. Exercise and Society, 1, 15–34. Retrieved from



Education, Didactic and Sports Phsychology