Relation between coaching behavior and motivation of volleyball athletes in developmental ages


  • Γεωργία Σουρή Democritus University of Thrace
  • Ελένη Ζέτου Democritus University of Thrace
  • Νικόλαος Βερναδάκης Democritus University of Thrace
  • Ευάγγελος Μπεμπέτσος Democritus University of Thrace


The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between coaching behavior and motivation of volleyball athletes of developmental ages and how this relationship is affected by sex.  Participants were 203 junior and young volleyball athletes (167 girls and 36 boys), aged of 12-19 years old, and training experience 1-9 years belonging in volleyball clubs of Attica. The questionnaire which used were: a) The Coaching   Behaviour Questionnaire - CBQ, (Williams, Jerome, Kenow, Rogers, Sartain & Darland, 2003) which has been modified and adapted to the Greek population by Zourbanos, Theodorakis, & Hatzigeorgiadis, (2007) and Zourbanos, Hatzigeorgiadis & Theodorakis, (2007) and b) the  «Motivational Climate in Physical Education Scale (MCPES)» (Soini et al., 2014). Reliability analyzes confirmed satisfactory Cronbachs' Alpha for all factors. The results showed that there was high correlation of all motivation factors with the supportive coaching behavior, except the “task orientation”. The results of the study also resulted in sex differences in relation to the supportive but also to the negative behavior of the coach. Relation to the motivation factors there were differences in sex. Female athletes showed higher means in “sociality”, and the male athletes showed higher means to “task orientation”. In conclusion coaching behavior has direct relationship with athletes’ motivation, which indirect lead in athletes’ satisfaction and this is expressed by commitment, involvement and stay in volleyball.


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How to Cite

Σουρή Γ., Ζέτου Ε., Βερναδάκης Ν., & Μπεμπέτσος Ε. (2023). Relation between coaching behavior and motivation of volleyball athletes in developmental ages. Exercise and Society, 1. Retrieved from



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