Validity and reliability of the My Jump 2 application for measuring the vertical jump height in young, male basketball players.


  • Nikolaos Kantouris Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο Θεσσαλονίκης
  • Rafail Kantouris Democritus University of Thrace
  • Ioannis Kolokythas University of Peloponnese
  • Spiros Pagkoutsos Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • Dimitris Lioutas Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
  • Konstantinos Baxevanis National University of Greece, Thessaloniki
  • Georgios Ziogas SportsClinic


This study aimed to analyze the validity and reliability of the My Jump 2 application for measuring the most frequent tested vertical jumps against Optojump in young, male basketball players. Twenty-seven young, male basketball players (height: 167.26±10.33 cm; weight: 61.99±3.97 Kg; BMI: 22±3.97 Kg/m2) were voluntarily agreed to participate in this study. Participants were asked to perform 3 countermovement jumps (CMJ), 3 squat jumps (SJ) and 3 countermovement jump with arm swing (CMJSA) following a 10-min standardized warm-up. Vertical jump heights assessed by Optojump and My Jump2 application, simultaneously. Jump height in centimetres (cm) and flight time (FT) in seconds (s) were tested. Statistical analysis indicated an almost perfect correlation between two instruments for CMJ, SJ and CMJSA jump heights. FT of CMJ and SJ was shown almost perfect correlation, while CMJSA presented a very large correlation. Reliability of the measurements (ICC) was perfect for CMJ, SJ and CMJSA jump heights, as well as for SJ and CMJSA FT, and very large for CMJ FT. The results of this study suggest that “My Jump 2” app is a reliable and valid tool for measuring the vertical jump height in young, male basketball athletes.

Keywords: Basketball; Vertical jump; My Jump 2



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How to Cite

Kantouris, N., Kantouris, R., Kolokythas, I., Pagkoutsos, S., Lioutas, D., Baxevanis, K., & Ziogas, G. (2023). Validity and reliability of the My Jump 2 application for measuring the vertical jump height in young, male basketball players. Exercise and Society, 1. Retrieved from



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