Comparative study on the effect of serving and receiving a ball on the outcome of a match between winners and losers boys’ table tennis athletes through video-analysis


  • Ανδρέας Νικολακάκης Democritus University of Thrace
  • Γεώργιος Μαυρίδης Democritus University of Thrace
  • Βασίλειος Γούργουλης Democritus University of Thrace
  • Θεόφιλος Πυλιανίδης Democritus University of Thrace


The purpose of the current study was to record and compare the effect of ball serving and receiving on the outcome of a match between winners and losers table tennis athletes in the junior division. The sample of the research was consisted of 54 matches (2.921 phases) from group stage, round of 16, quarter finals, semifinals and finals conducted during the official development leagues and the 2016-17 Greek national championship in which male athletes of the age group 14 ± 1.52 participated. There was recorded and compared the serving grip, the server’s scoring point, the success percentages of the receiver and the way of receiving the serve. These elements were recorded using video-analysis and for the statistical treatment of the data the non-parametric x2 test was applied. From the derived data significant differences between boys who have won or lost a match were observed: boys who have won preferred to use forehand grip, the ball server winners statistically outnumbered to a significant extent the losers in scoring points and in the successful ball receptions. Remarkable statistical differences were also found on the way of receiving the ball. The winners had the tendency to use more often forehand flick, backhand flick and forehand topspin actions. The aforementioned findings could help coaches to improve their training methods and the effectiveness of their instructions during a match’s progress.

Key words: table tennis; serve; receive; video-analysis.


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How to Cite

Νικολακάκης Α., Μαυρίδης Γ., Γούργουλης Β., & Πυλιανίδης Θ. (2023). Comparative study on the effect of serving and receiving a ball on the outcome of a match between winners and losers boys’ table tennis athletes through video-analysis. Exercise and Society, 2. Retrieved from



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