Comparison of elite male and female volleyball setters regarding the time-zone setting choice and their performance in Complex I


  • Καρολίνα Μπαρζούκα National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


The purpose of this study was to compare elite male and female volleyball setters regarding the time-zone setting and their performance in complex I (CI). A three-member team of experienced coaches recorded and assessed the actions of male (M) and female (F) setters from 20 videotaped volleyball games (M=10, F=10) of National Teams competing in the final phase of World League 2017. The assessment was based on the5-point rating scale (0-4) of Eom & Schutz (1992). The test of independence for the categorical variables (setting zone-setting tempo, setting zone-setter performance) was carried out using the X2 test and the Fishers exact test. Following the overall independence test we examined the difference in proportions between genders for each level of the “setting tempo” and “setter performance” variables. The results showed that male setters in Complex I (CI) preferred to set the ball to zones 4, 3 and mainly 6 more frequently compared to female setters, who set the ball at the same zones using a slower setting tempo. In zone 2 women set the ball using a faster setting tempo than their male counterparts. The differences found in gender ratios revealed that men were more qualitative in their sets in all zones than women. In conclusion, the male setters were more qualitative in setting the ball after the preceding reception, using mainly quick setting actions in both the center and the endings of the net whereas the female setters used a slower setting tempo.

Author Biography

Καρολίνα Μπαρζούκα, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

School of Physical Education and Sport Science


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How to Cite

Μπαρζούκα Κ. (2023). Comparison of elite male and female volleyball setters regarding the time-zone setting choice and their performance in Complex I. Exercise and Society, 2. Retrieved from



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