Paideia in the Gymnasium of Mylasa in Asia Minor during the Late Hellenistic period (150-31 BC): athletic activities, theoretical courses and moral education


  • Νικόλαος Καμέας Democritus University of Thrace
  • Ευάγγελος Αλμπανίδης Democritus University of Thrace


The aim of this study was to present the athletic activities, the intellectual / theoretical education and the moral education, in the light of classical ancient Greek education, in the Gymnasium of Mylasa, during the late Hellenistic period (150-31 BC). The primary source of the study was an inscription of the aforementioned historical period-honorary decree in honor of paidonomos Chrysippus [SEG.XXXVIII(1988) 1072]. Also, relevant studies by Greek and foreign writers were used as secondary sources (Forbes, Jones, Marrou, Miller, Newby, etc.). As it is known, the ancient Greek education in its classical form(Plato, Aristotle) consisted of the harmonious psychosomatic development and the moral, political and social integration of the individual within the city. In the Gymnasium of Mylasa, paidonomos Chrysippus organizes children's athletic contests in the Gymnasium’s palaestra with the following contents: a) race course b) wrestling c) boxing and d) pankration. Also, Chrysippus takes care of intellectual/theoretical education (grammar, reading, calligraphy, studiousness) and ethics (good order), through similar contests/competitions. In conclusion, based on the study of the particular epigraphic material, it can be said that the education at the Gymnasium of Mylasa in the late Hellenistic period seems to preserve the basic qualities of the classical ancient Greek form of education.


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How to Cite

Καμέας Ν., & Αλμπανίδης Ε. (2023). Paideia in the Gymnasium of Mylasa in Asia Minor during the Late Hellenistic period (150-31 BC): athletic activities, theoretical courses and moral education. Exercise and Society, 2. Retrieved from



History of Sport and Physical Education, Sports Sociology