Ethnic associations and culture: the contribution of cultural associations to the shaping of cultural identity. The example of the Cultural Association “Agia Irini”


  • Φίλιππος Αναστάσιος Φιλίππου Democritus University of Thrace
  • Δημήτριος Γαβράς - Παπασπύρου Democritus University of Thrace


The sense of unity between the members of a society, something that characterised the traditional Greek society, as well as the relations of patterns of mutual recognition are no longer exist because of the incapability of social groups to have access on cultural practices and on traditions that emphasized their existence and their special cultural path. Local identities, during their attempt to defend their-selves are rallied with point of reference their traditional cultural identities. An obvious result issued from this association was the creation and the function of various dancing clubs such as ethnic clubs, cultural and dancing clubs, who take the responsibility for the stimulation of local identity and ideology and this through the revival of different forms of traditional life as well as through much more other activities. The purpose of this research was to find out the degree of contribution of “Agia Eirini” educational Association’s activities to the formation of people’s, who live in Pallia Fokaia, cultural identity. The collection of necessary for the survey data was based on ethnographic principles. For data’s analysis, the methodological model of collective identities’ constitution was the one most preferred and used. From this analysis in above came out that the members that were responsible for the association, by taking into account inhabitants’ different origin, they are making gorgeous efforts in order to build a new version of cultural identity.

Author Biography

Φίλιππος Αναστάσιος Φιλίππου, Democritus University of Thrace

Τμήμα Επιστήμης Φυσικής Αγωγής και Αθλητισμού

Αναπληρωτής καθηγητής


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How to Cite

Φιλίππου Φ. Α., & Γαβράς - Παπασπύρου Δ. (2023). Ethnic associations and culture: the contribution of cultural associations to the shaping of cultural identity. The example of the Cultural Association “Agia Irini”. Exercise and Society, 1. Retrieved from



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