Kyniska and Euryleonis: Comparisons based on the sources


  • Αικατερίνη Μουρατίδου Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


Kyniska was daughter of king Archidamos of Sparta and sister of king Agesilaus. She won twice in the chariot races of the Olympic Games. Ancient and modern authors frequently refer to Kyniska’s story, her strong desire to participate in chariot racing, her motives behind her desire to enter the races, her brother’s intentions for encouraging Kyniska to compete and her own city’s honors paid to the Olympic victor. The information that we have in our disposal regarding Kyniska and her unique achievements is plentiful both from ancient and contemporary sources. Euryleonis was another Spartan Olympic champion, who won the chariot race in the Olympic Games, probably in 368 B.C. As opposed to Kyniska, the information that we have for Euryleonis is unusually scanty and unreliable. Ancient authors remain almost silent and the archeological finds have nothing to say. Similary modern authors are very much occupied with Kyniska, so time is not left for Euryleonis and her victory.

Author Biography

Αικατερίνη Μουρατίδου, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Department of Physical Education and Athletics


Παυσανίας 5. 6. 7-8

Παυσανίας 6.7.2-3

Παυσανίας 6. 20. 9

Μουρατίδης, Ιωάννης: Ιστορία της Φυσικής Αγωγής και Αθλητισμού του αρχαίου κόσμου, Θεσ/νίκη (2010), σελ. 294.

Παυσανίας 5. 16. 2-3

Αλμπανίδης, Ευάγγελος: Ιστορία της Άθλησης στον Αρχαίο Ελληνικό κόσμο, Θεσ/νίκη 2004, σελ. 247. Γιάτσης, Σωτήριος: Ιστορική Επισκόπηση της Φυσικής Αγωγής και του Αθλητισμού στον Ελληνικό κόσμο, Θεσ/νίκη (2006),σελ. 187.

Παυσανίας 5. 16. 2-8. Αλμπανίδης: Ιστορία της Άθλησης, σελ 247. Γιάτσης: Ιστορική Επισκόπηση, σελ 187.

Παυσανίας 3. 8. 1

Παυσανίας 5. 12. 5

Παυσανίας 6. 1. 6. Ο Τροίλος από την Ηλεία ήταν δυο φορές Ολυμπιονίκης στις αρματοδρομίες.

Παλατινή Ανθολογία 13.16

Πλούταρχος Αγησίλαος 20 .1 Ηθικά 1. 36. 6 221β

Ξενοφών Αγησίλαος 9. 6

Παυσανίας 3. 15. 1

I. G. 5. 1. 235

Peter, Levi: Pausanias Guide to Greece, London (1971), p. 232.

Hodkison, Stephen: Property and Wealth in Classical Sparta, London 2000, p. 99-103.

Arrigoni, Giampiera: “Done e sport nel mondo Greco Religione et Societa” in: Le donne in Grecia, Rome (1985), p. 28.

Kyle, Donald: “The only woman in all Greece”: Kyniska, Agesilaus, Alcibiades and Olympia”, in: Journal of Sport History 30 (2003), 183-203.

Kyle: “The only woman in all Greece”: Kyniska, p. 191.

Kyle: “The only woman in all Greece”: Kyniska, p. 192.

Pomeroy, Sarah: Spartan Women, Oxford 2002, pp. 20-24.

Scanlon, Tomas: Eros and Greek Athletics, New York 2002, pp. 22-23.

Arrigoni, Giampiera: Οι γυναίκες στην αρχαία Ελλάδα, μτφ Μ. Ανδρονίκου, Ε. Δουλάμη και Α. Κεφαλά, Θεσ/νίκη (2007), 152.

Kyle: “The only woman in all Greece”: Kyniska, p. 184.

Kyle: “The only woman in all Greece”: Kyniska, p. 184. Pomeroy, Sarah: Spartan Women, p. 22.

Guttmann, Allen: Women’s Sport: A History, New York (1991), p. 26.

Moretti, L.: Insrizioni agonistische greche, Rome (1953), p. 44.

Pomeroy: Spartan Women, p. 134-135.

Lee, Hugh: “SIG3 802: Did Women Compete Against Men in Greek Athletic Festivals” Nikephoros 1(1988), pp. 103-117, Moretti, L., Insrizioni agonistische greche, pp. 40-41, Mantas, Konstantinos: "Women and Athletics in the Roman East", Nikephoros 8 (1995), pp. 125-144, Kyle: “The only woman in all Greece”: Kyniska, p. 183.

Lammer, Manfred, “Women and Sport in Ancient Greece: A plea for a critical and objective approach,” in: Women and Sport: An Historical, Biological, Physiological and Sports Medical approach: Medicine and Sport eds. Jan Borms et. al. Basel (1981), pp. 16-23.

Golden, Mark: Sport and Society in Ancient Greece, Cambridge (1998), pp. 133-134.

Παυσανίας 3. 17. 6. Σύμφωνα με τον S. Hodkinson (Property and Wealth In Classical Sparta, London 2000, p. 414) η Ευρυλεωνίς καταγόταν από τον Ευρυλέοντα, ο οποίος ήταν φίλος του Δωριέως που έζησε στο τέλος του 6ου π.Χ. αιώνα.

Παυσανίας 4. 7. 8

Moretti, L.: Olympionikai i vincitori negli antichi agoni olimpici, Rome (1957), no 418.

Golden: Sport, p. 133.

Kyle: “The only woman in all Greece”: Kyniska, p. 197.

Harris, Harold: Greek Athletes and Athletics, London (1964), p. 179.

Gardiner, Norman: Greek Athletics Sports and Festivals, London (1910), p. 462.



How to Cite

Μουρατίδου Α. (2017). Kyniska and Euryleonis: Comparisons based on the sources. Exercise and Society, 2. Retrieved from



History of Sport and Physical Education, Sports Sociology