Physical activities of girls in ancient Athens.


  • Α. Α. Μουρατίδου Πανεπιστήμιο Δυτικής Μακεδονίας


The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the existence of physical activities of girls in ancient Athens. Today the majority of the authors interpret, rather mistakenly Thucydides reference to Pericles who was of the opinion that girls in Athens were to live so retired a personal life that their names should never be mentioned among the men either for praise or blame. On the bases of this statement many believe that girls in ancient Athens lived at home in almost Oriental seclusion without any kind of participation in social activities. This point of view it is rather an exaggeration since it is not in accordance with the archeological evidence and the literary sources that clearly show the existence of physical activities in the lives of the Athenian girls. Actually the above mentioned sources both material and literary indicate their involvement in many dances particularly religious in nature. Furthermore, the interpretation of the archaeological finds reveals and makes known that Athenian girls were familiar with swimming and took part in races either for pleasure or for ritual purposes.



How to Cite

Μουρατίδου Α. Α. (2023). Physical activities of girls in ancient Athens. Exercise and Society, 1. Retrieved from



History of Sport and Physical Education, Sports Sociology