Training load and muscle injuries in football


  • Grigoris Bogdanis National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


external load, artificial intelligence, isokinetic dynamometry, hamstrings


Training load in football may be categorized into “external”, which includes distances covered with running at different speeds, and “internal”, which includes the physiological and perceptual responses to the “external” load, e.g. heart rate and perceived exertion. Muscle injuries are related with several factors which may modify the probability of injury. Abrupt increases of training load constitute an important risk factor for muscle injuries, while the systematic recording and analysis of training load contributes significantly to their avoidance. Fatigue is also a main factor which increases injury risk, and thus the players should maintain their fitness at a high level in order to reduce it. Intense training, performed after careful scheduling and with respect to the principles of training periodization and recovery, is necessary to reduce muscle injuries rate. Good running technique, and especially the correct position of the pelvis, has an impact not only on performance but also reduces the risk of muscle injuries.


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How to Cite

Μπογδάνης Γ. (2023). Training load and muscle injuries in football. Exercise and Society, 2, 95–104. Retrieved from

